22-2 ~ 23-1 Winter Vacation


The Future of Humanity

After lunch, JC took us(BJH, SC, SB) for a walk. We discovered a new path around HIS that lead to Papyrus Hall. We sat in the cozy room in the corner on 100,000+ won bean bags.

The talk started off by comparing our current Handong experiences compared to his. There were a lot of different things, such as the grass field between Lothem Hall and Vision Hall. As most of the talks end up, this talk also ended up being about CS and SE(which conveniently add up to CSE). He said it was very weird to see the technologies he lived with were treated like artifacts thesedays. And added on by saying every 10 ~ 15 years there has been a huge burst of technology.

The 3 bursts are:

  • Internet
  • Smartphones
  • ChatGPT

Unfortunately, VR & AR are not considered. This is because they are still not accpeted by the public as a comfotable transition. Compared to the others, which were smooth transitions, VR & AR have limits in the hardware and etc.

We discussed about what would be the next burst(after ChatGPT), and what would become of the future. JC stated that he disagreed with people who thought AI would take over the world and make it a worse place. He thought it would make life easier just like it did for us.

However, he added on, the hourglass-paradigm would be more and more clear/firm. The manually-driven workers would lose their job, but creative thinkers will thrive. And said it was the responsibility for the rich/powerful leaders to support those in need.

Finally, wrapped up with some light topics, such as how cool it is to hear music from encoded 0s and 1s. I also wished there was a technology that enabled us to save smell..