[ISEL] ISEL Report 02/13/23
Report of lab work.
22-2 ~ 23-1 Winter Vacation
It has been two weeks since my last entry.. Only 14 days till the start of 23-1.. Feeling real tired everyday, and I can see I don’t have much energy as before. The past two weeks I was mostly working on finishing my first paper and the presentation. I actually learned a lot during this time period and wish I didn’t forget anything(that is why you should record stuff right away..).
- Before going to KCSE2023. CJH presented the paper UniAPR in our lab team meeting. Together with JC and Sc, we tried understand each step of the framework. As we did, we got to understand the code behind and found out the process was not that complicated. It just analyzed the static Class and checked whether it was initialized or not. JC said this was a perfect example of pioneer researchers. He guessed the paper PraPR and UniAPR could have been combined. However, the researchers were the only team researching the field so separated it into two papers. He said it was also possible because the paper was well wrote. Meaning it explained clearly and in detail what each research achieved. Later I viewed the professor that conducted the research, Lingming Zhang. His publications were crazy.. Several papers were ones I downloaded sometime ago to read because I was interested. I think it’ll help a lot even just by reading his papers.
- Connected to previoius point, after KCSE, my vision of going to a graduate school got clearer. The process of researching papers, presenting my work and acquiring insight from other researchers was a very unique experience. I guess it really ignited my passion. As CG said I guess I might try submitting a paper to ICSE(International Conference on Software Engineering). Plus, I can write it in English:)
- Expanding on the topic of presenting my work, I guess I’m quite good at presentations. JC recalled several times that I didn’t seem nervous, and that the presentation was very funny. Of course I do feel nervous before going up, but when I’m up there it all goes away. Also, reduce slides/contents as much as possible.. Learned it the hard way..haha. It’s much clearer and delivers your goal way better.
- While coming back to home(Pohang, South Korea), I rode shotgun next to JC. I told him the above 3 points and he replied by saying, “going to small conferences like KCSE doesn’t help my career at all. However, I’m investing in the lab members to experience experiences like yours. It feels worthwhile when I here gratitude like you told me”. Damn he gained my respect.
- Occasionally, our lab has a day off to get time to be together. It’s called ISEL Day. Through ISEL Day & spending time at KCSE, I got to know my lab mates better, especially CG. He told us his life story. It was verrrry dynamica and insightful. What impacted me the most was when he talked about JC’s personality. He told us JC once coded till 4am at the last KCSE(2020) just to try out something he was curious about.
Most of the reflections from KCSE are recorded here.