An Empirical Study of Fault Localization Families and Their Combinations


  1. Resolve how techniques are correlated to each other.
  2. Measure the time cost of different fault localization methods.


  1. Background
    • Introduces 7 families of fault localization.
    • Introduces the learning to rank model for combining different techniques.
  2. Experiment
    • Determining faults.
    • Case of multiple faults.
    • Elements with identical suspiciousness scores.


  • FL Methods
    • Spectrum-Based FL
      • The program is measured per spectrum(code coverage).
      • Uses risk evaluation formulas(Ochiai, DStar, etc) to calculate suspiciousness.
    • Mutation-Based FL
      • Unlike SBFL, which considers if it(the program statement, or in some cases method) is executed, it considers whether it affects the result.
      • Usually, One order Mutants(mutations with a change of one expression) are used.
        • Metallaxis assigns each mutant a suspiciousness score using the Ochiai formula.
    • Program Slicing
      • Creates a subset of the program containing the elements that potentially affect the criterion.
      • Two methods of Program Slicing:
        • Static:
          • Uses source code and takes in mind all possible(potential) paths of the execution
        • Dynamic:
          • Take in mind the exact execution path of a specific input.
    • Stack Trace Analysis
      • Similar to debugging, stack trace contains active function calls at the point of defect.
    • Predicate Switching
      • Similar to MBFL, it examines the change of execution results.
      • Conditional expressions are forcefully switched to redirect the path(or outcome).
    • Information Retrieval-Based FL
      • Read the bug reports and rank via relevance to it.
      • Does not require program execution information.
    • History-Based FL
      • Maybe used for fault prediction.
      • Uses Development history.
  • RQ1: Effectiveness of standalone FL
    • As expected SBFL is the best standalone.
    • Also, Stack trace is the best for crash faults
    • Surprisingly, Predicate switching is not the best on “predicate-related” faults.
      • MBFL performs better. They have similar mechanisms, but MBFL is able to specifically rank the predicates.
  • RQ2: Correlation between techniques
    • Strongly correlated techniques only exist in the same family, but not all techniques in the same family are strongly correlated.
  • RQ3: Effectiveness of combined FL
    • Significantly outperformed any standalone technique.
    • The performance when the technique was standalone, doesn’t determine the effectiveness as a combined one.
  • RQ4: Run-time cost of standalone vs combined
    • Slower as the program requires multiple iterations.
    • Including techniques from the identical family always improves the result(not by much).
  • RQ5: Statement vs Method granularity
    • RQ1 and RQ3 are the same at method granularity.
  • RQ6: Combined approach vs state-of-the-art techniques
    • Outperformed all.
    • However, only the outputs were considered. In practice(real-life) run-time cost is a crucial standard.
      • reporting run-time costs of these approaches are left for future work.
  • How to determine faults
    • When deleting:
      • The deleted statement is the fault.
    • When inserting:
      • The statement after the inserted statement is reported.
        • It indicates the location for a developer to change the defect.
  • Implications
    • SBFL was the trend.
      • How about now?
    • Optimizing efficiency is just as important as quickly/accurately locating the fault.
      • Need to test: (accurate but expensive) vs (less accurate less expensive)
    • Information sources(data) may be the more critical topic to research.


  • Mutation analysis
    • Looks(analyzes) for changes in mutations.
  • Fault prediction
    • Ranks a program by the likelihood to be defective.
  • Critical predicate
    • The predicate that makes a failed test case pass.
  • Crash faults
    • Defects that cause the program to crash.
  • Cross validation
    • Accuracy = Average(Accuracy^1, …, Accuracy^k)


  • What are other factors that could be criteria of a good fault localization approach other than performance and cost?
  • What could be other inputs/outputs of a fault localization technique other than bug reports, development history?
  • Why aren’t the statements before the inserted statement reported?
  • Why are SBFLs strongly correlated with each other, but MBFLs not?
  • How about combining FL and Fuzzing? Will RQ3 apply here too?
  • When combining will the order of the techniques being executed matter?
  • What if a statement shows opposite results? Which one is determined?